With a diverse range of academic and professional backgrounds with years of experience and qualifications in project and change management we can offer organisations an approach that is based on multiple disciplines but with the one aim – to improve the organisation to achieve and improve its current and future goals.
We do not come with a formula that many larger consultancy practices offer. We design our interventions as we face them because we believe no organisation or business is ever the same. We are small and yet can draw upon a depth of talent through our associates and are always able to stay nimble and have no need to charge for large overheads that others carry. As Rosabeth Moss Kanter once said: “Change managers are – literally – the right people in the right place at the right time.” And, in subscribing to this philosophy, we will only take on projects where we think we can offer what the best can offer and will reject (as we have done many times) commissions where we think others can do a better job.
Our approach is to work with internal drivers of change – and they can sit anywhere in an organisation. But our aim is not only to deliver desired outcomes but also to transfer our skills to internal agents and to create ownership inside the organisation. We see too many public sector organisations, firstly, having change ‘done to them’ and, secondly, we have seen too may consultancy practices create a dependency which is to their advantage and not always to the benefit of the organisation.
This approach features in all our interventions some of which are as follows: