Adding Value to Public Services

If anyone really did believe that working in the public sector provided safe and secure employment then think again! Two of our local authority clients recently ‘lost’ their chief executives and neither were due to retire or had been appointed to another post!

It is a precarious business running multi-million pound organisations with political leadership yet being accountable to your local communities all of whom have, quite rightly, huge expectations.  And doing this through the complexity that the partnership arrangements, LAA targets and CAA expectations bring just adds to that challenge.

We know from our work with local authorities that skills for downsizing are going to be much in demand over these next five years or more and managers will experience huge challenges in delivering excellence as the cuts in public expenditure start to dig deep – and deep they will be.  LCS is in a good position to support organisations through these difficult times and our partnership with CorVu, one of the leading performance management software houses, provides the opportunity to stay focused on delivering performance improvement at a time of even more change.

For smaller consultancies such as LCS, committed as we are to public service, it is challenging to add value whilst not being seen to be taking away the jobs of public sector workers. It is a balance we think we achieve, but one which is never assured!

For those who have been our clients for some years, welcome to our new web site! For those on this site for the first time we hope you find it interesting and do get in touch if you think our public sector experience and skills could support you in change and improvement.

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