Development/project management of new and cross sector initiatives

Working at different levels of local authorities LCS consultants have delivered wide ranging service developments and project managed significant budgets. Two of our consultants are Prince2 qualified and we all work to high quality standards to ensure delivery on time and to budget. Some examples:

Adult Social Care

  • Between 2006-07 Mick Lowe took control of a failing £7m contract in Adult Services for a London borough and turned it round to achieve its key objectives for personalisation working closely with staff, trade unions and the private contractor.
  • Between 2008-09 LCS consultant Paddy Davies coordinated a project to manage the transformation of the in house Homecare Service for a London borough to an Assessment and Re-ablement service.  This involved recruitment, new process design, monitoring and evaluation design, training, communications etc.
  • From 2008-09 Paddy reviewed the arrangements for the provision of health and social care information services and produced recommendations for short, medium and long term action.
  • LCS consultants as a team have also been working with a Merseyside council since 2008 to help them develop their work to transform adult social care and personalisation. This has included producing a Vision and Values statement for Personalisation, a Communication Strategy, three high level analytical reports on the implications of personalisation for Commissioning, Service Planning and Brokerage, and Working with Providers, best practice research in developing Resource Allocation Systems, an analysis of the IBSEN report with recommendations for local action, a rationalisation of base line data for the £12m pooled budget for Adults with a Learning Disability and a sample audit of care management files.
  • Consultancy for Primary Care Trusts where we have recently worked on projects to re-commission adult advocacy services and supported developments in Continuing Health Care.

Community Safety

  • We are currently managing a Community Safety service restructure for a south east borough, work which followed from an options appraisal which was undertaken in 2008. The work involves supporting the Head of Service to deliver the best possible configuration of staff and resources to drive improvements across the borough.


In 2005 we worked with a London borough to deliver an approach that met the objectives of their Public Realm Initiative in a way that aims to achieve ownership of the new regime by the workforce being created. It involved:

  • Preparing staff for generic and area based working and to move from the traditional functional methods of operation
  • Instilling pride in area based teams to deliver high standards of cleanliness
  • Developing a vision of what the new arrangements aimed to achieve
  • Developing clear protocols, procedures and methods of working based on best practice nationally and involving staff in their development
  • Making use of best practice from other authorities
  • Providing training and development before and after the implementation